Liputan9 Premium bloger template gratis
This template is not a template that I created, I participated in sharing this template because it is already scattered on the internet so for creators in please understand because I just share to friends friends who are looking for a template for his blog
The Admin recommends you purchase the original template on the owner. Or if there is creditlink of the owner please appreciate their work by not deleting the creditlink listed in this template. If a friend likes this template please download, the link has been provided below. Use this template wisely.
ads responsive post
- Desain responsive di semua perangkat
- Data terstruktur sempurna
- Mobile Friendly Design
- Template profesional
- Widget topik populer ( style)
- Tombol share via WhatsApp
- SEO Optimized
- Ready untuk Google Adsense
- Halaman dilengkapi postingan terbaru
- Sticky Navigasi & Sidebar
- Nomor urut dan popular star untuk postingan populer
- Otomatis, sangat mudah untuk memposting
- Theme-color Status Bar (mobile)
- Auto resize thumbnail image
- Komentar facebook yang otomatis terkoneksi dengan facebook pengunjung
- Didukung Related posts
- Social Media Icons di footer Penulis & foto otomatis di setiap halaman
- Compatibel dengan IE8+, Mozilla, Chrome, Safari
- Dan banyak lagi